The Big Picture
World of Sport,News,Events,Entertainment,Lifestyle,Fashion.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
The Big Picture: Why Malcolm Glazer’s passing isn’t being universal...
The Big Picture: Why Malcolm Glazer’s passing isn’t being universal...: By Eurosport 2 hours ago Jim White View gallery . In many ways Malcolm Glazer could be remembered as a ...
Why Malcolm Glazer’s passing isn’t being universally mourned...
By Eurosport2 hours agoJim White
In many ways Malcolm Glazer could be remembered as a respectable owner of Manchester United. He presided over a period of sustained success on the pitch, he encouraged a huge advance in commercial revenues and – unlike many a Premier League chairman - he made no attempt to interfere with the playing side of things, deferring all that to the presiding genius of the club, Sir Alex Ferguson.
There was, however, one significant aspect about Glazer’s ownership that will forever mitigate against him being considered anything other than a disaster for United, its fans and for English football in general: the method he used to buy the club in the first place.
Glazer was not interested in using his primary sporting asset for social advancement. He never turned up with a fanfare to watch United play live in the flesh, not even when they played in the three Champions League finals they reached in his time. He was not there proclaiming eternal loyalty, ensuring his face was on television, like Vincent Tan, or haplessly trying to sing along to the club anthem like Tom Hicks at Liverpool. Nor did he exploit it as a vehicle to promote his homeland like Sheikh Mansour.
Glazer wasn’t interested in any of that. Politics and personality meant nothing to him. He didn’t even like the sport. All he was interested in was the money United could deliver him. What motivated him was the hosepipe of ready cash it could provide into his ailing Florida property empire.
To get his hands on that cash, he engineered a quite shameless takeover employing a leveraged buyout. Effectively that meant taking out a vast mortgage on Manchester United which its customers were then obliged to pay off. An entirely debt-free organisation was thus immediately saddled with the largest deficit ever seen in the game.
Over the course of his near decade at the helm, £600 million had been leached out of the business simply to pay off debt charges solely incurred in order to facilitate his takeover. To put that figure in perspective, with that money United could have offered an entire stadium of free season tickets for the last 10 years and still made a profit.
Glazer came to England for one simple reason: he identified it as an easy target. Strict regulation in American sports would never have allowed him to buy out a franchise using that method. But English football was run without due attention, and his purchase was waved through with barely a glance. “We welcome foreign investments,” a Premier League spokesman said at the time. But Glazer wasn’t an investor. He was the opposite. He was a leach.
And with the success of his takeover, Glazer effectively demonstrated to the rest of the international trading world that English football was a business run by those asleep at the wheel. In his wake came a host of foreign businessmen whose intent was not investment but asset stripping.
There were Tom Hicks and George Gillett, a couple of American chancers who conducted a similar buyout of Liverpool. Far more damagingly, there was Alexandre Gaydamak whose leveraged ownership of Portsmouth plunged the club to the brink of oblivion.
Not that bankruptcy was ever likely to be the ultimate consequence of the Glazer ownership at United. The place was too sharp a money-making machine for that. Such was its scale, it was perhaps the only footballing business in the country which could be saddled with such crippling debt and survive.
But United’s hardcore fans were right to have been fundamentally opposed to his takeover. They were right to wave their green and gold scarves in opposition to his manoeuvring. They were right to attempt – after their successful lobby against Rupert Murdoch’s attempted takeover in 1999 – to try to use the law against him. Because ultimately it was them who were paying for the privilege of having Glazer as their chairman. It was their season ticket money – rising significantly over the 10 years of his ownership - that was being used to pay off an unwelcome, imposed debt.
Glazer’s death will change little at United. The next generation of his family – who have been running the place for most of the time anyway, with their father incapacitated by ill health in Palm Beach – still own the majority of shares (the rest were floated on the New York Stock Exchange two years ago in order to pay down some of the debt).
The financial priority is still to dispatch the profits westwards to Florida. The chance of a benevolent group of fan owners, interested in the place as a cultural landmark rather than a money-making engine, getting their hands on the club remains remote.
In truth, for most of those in the wider United fanbase, little changes either. For them, the only area of concern will be whether Louis Van Gaal manages to restore the team to something approaching competitiveness. They don’t give a hoot about who is the chairman, or how he got there, as long as the team is successful. Like the presiding authorities, they had little concern about the methodology employed in the takeover. And that, ultimately, is Glazer’s legacy.
He will be remembered as the man who got away with buying the country’s most renowned sporting institution using someone else’s money.
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
All You Need to Know About all Naija Babes(All Tribes)
I found This hilarious article On the internet, can't help but to share with you'll!
Read Below:
Igbo Girls: There must be plentymoney , and less or no s*x. She abandons you immediately a rich suitor comes calling. Importer & Exporter Thinz!
Edo Girls: Will love and take care of you with her money, hoping one day you will travel overseas and be rich. After 2 years, and no plan is forth coming, she will dump your sorry ass. Oh, I forgot.....lots of s*x will be involved.
Yoruba Girls: They love with their body, soul and heart. Whether you are rich or poor, that's not theirbusiness . They will continue to support you even though you aint making progress. If a suitor comes around, majority will reject him and stick with you. Money
is not their problem, but Love. Oh, plenty of s*x is guaranteed (well not all of them will give you.
Tiv Girl: Oh my God. From the first day of the relationship, be preparing for a breakup. If you don't drink, smoke or are a loser. They won't deny you of s*x, but don't deny them money.....unless you wanna share your girlfriend with a Politician (SugarDaddy). If you are lucky, some may love you.
Idoma Girls: They are widely known as heartbreakers. Oh, you must prove your love 100% to them and expect little love from them. They love and hate s*x, depending on the one you chose.You must also have money, but that's not a solid criteria. Lest I forget, be prepared to be used as an "Emotional Balancer".
Hausa/Kanuiri/Fulani Girls: Chai, They willstart discussing marriage from the first week of the relationship. They love so foolishly, that they can sacrifice their comforts for you.
They don't need your money, most of them have rich parents and relatives. They want to have you as their King, while you treat them as Queens. S*x is not a problem.
Igala Girls: Money and Love goes hand in glove. They love for real, but you must have money. They tend to associate themselves with your everyday life. They give limited s*x.
Nupe Girls: They are very Shy, lovely and caring. They don't know if money is existing, but am not sure if you will have s*x as you desire. They are sometimes called "wife materials"
Ikwerre Girls: Na wa ooo, Money
is number one on their Agendas. With money by your side, you will experience the kind of love you only dream of. I must warn you, there is a high probability you will lose your girlfriend at any given time. They are naturally attracted to the so called "Highest bidders". Unlike the Igbo girls, they give s*x freely provided money is flowing freely.
Urhobo/Ijaw/Isoko/Itsekiri Girls: hmmmmm, They are possessive and jealous. They love for real, even if you have little money. They have this belief "money will come". They are vulnerable to "common law marriage".....a marriage where a man and a woman
lives together because she had an unwanted pregnancy. S*x is not a problem, as long as you are faithful.
Calabar/Ogoja Girls: Chai chai, s*x from the first day of the relationship is highly guaranteed. They present themselves as slaves to you, they derive joys in seeing their boyfriends getting satisfied s*xually and "FooDilly". Popular opinion thinks these people don't like money, but I bet
you....there is time when money will be an issue.
Read Below:
Igbo Girls: There must be plenty
Edo Girls: Will love and take care of you with her money, hoping one day you will travel overseas and be rich. After 2 years, and no plan is forth coming, she will dump your sorry ass. Oh, I forgot.....lots of s*x will be involved.
Yoruba Girls: They love with their body, soul and heart. Whether you are rich or poor, that's not their

Tiv Girl: Oh my God. From the first day of the relationship, be preparing for a breakup. If you don't drink, smoke or are a loser. They won't deny you of s*x, but don't deny them money.....unless you wanna share your girlfriend with a Politician (SugarDaddy). If you are lucky, some may love you.
Idoma Girls: They are widely known as heartbreakers. Oh, you must prove your love 100% to them and expect little love from them. They love and hate s*x, depending on the one you chose.You must also have money, but that's not a solid criteria. Lest I forget, be prepared to be used as an "Emotional Balancer".
Hausa/Kanuiri/Fulani Girls: Chai, They will
They don't need your money, most of them have rich parents and relatives. They want to have you as their King, while you treat them as Queens. S*x is not a problem.
Igala Girls: Money and Love goes hand in glove. They love for real, but you must have money. They tend to associate themselves with your everyday life. They give limited s*x.
Nupe Girls: They are very Shy, lovely and caring. They don't know if money is existing, but am not sure if you will have s*x as you desire. They are sometimes called "wife materials"
Ikwerre Girls: Na wa ooo, Money

Urhobo/Ijaw/Isoko/Itsekiri Girls: hmmmmm, They are possessive and jealous. They love for real, even if you have little money. They have this belief "money will come". They are vulnerable to "common law marriage".....a marriage where a man and a woman

Calabar/Ogoja Girls: Chai chai, s*x from the first day of the relationship is highly guaranteed. They present themselves as slaves to you, they derive joys in seeing their boyfriends getting satisfied s*xually and "FooDilly". Popular opinion thinks these people don't like money, but I bet

Saturday, 26 April 2014
Shocking revelation on BH & Sambisa camps holding abducted girls

Nigerians and the world must know what the true situation in Sambisa and other forests in Borno is. It was in the media that the families who ventured in pursuit of their daughters turned back when they approached the terrorist camps. The media reported that what they saw, was “serious,” but they will not say it for security concerns. We are obligated to reveal what they saw. Continue...Inside Sambisa Game Reserve
From the credible participants we spoke to, the camps are real and live. The civilians actually reached the Boko Haram camps in Sambisa four days ago. The mission was led by the army division in Borno, who were in the front, while the civilians followed behind.
Upon reaching the periphery of the camp and realizing the threat they faced, the civilians were advised to turn back. When they asked if the military would engage the terrorists, the army commanders responded, “we were given no such directive.”
Boko Haram camps in Sambisa are not hidden. The terrorists camp in clear sight. The camp seen housed thousands of terrorists and their abducted families, up to 3000 people by conservative estimates. The terrorists were seen walking freely in the camps, living a very normal life. Women

The camps were kitted with generators

Over 100 trampoline tents were seen, in which the terrorists dwell. It is not yet rainy season in Borno, so not much shelter is yet utilized.
We were informed that over 50 vehicles were seen in the Sambisa camp. There were hundreds to thousands of motorcycles.
After the civilians turned back and returned to the metropolis, it was related that the army too came back, evidently having not engaged Boko Haram in any physical way. For them it was just another day, another month in another year, scouting the Boko Haram ‘barracks.’ The situation s the same in other forests like Banki and Buniyadi, according to the credible people we spoke to.
The Desperate State Of Insecurity
With the above registered, the world must recognize that there is evidently a standing accord between Boko Haram and the Nigerian military. The military knows and has always known where they hide in plain sight, but is either not equipped, or not interested in ending their reign of terror.
A recent media report in the Vanguard described how a US-based StrategyPage report presented that Boko Haram terrorists were so wealthy; they had actually bought government and security officials over. The source of Boko Haram funding

Boko Haram invests way more than Nigeria does in equipping and boosting the morale of its army. Boko Haram is today an institution and a well functioning one that pays top dollar

Nigeria is in trouble! We the people know and realize that this situation must be checked in Yar’Adua style—eliminated in totality. Boko Haram must be starved to desperation in their camps and the terrorists must be engaged and killed without remorse. A similar conflict between Nigeria and Chad in the 80’s had the Nigerian army under then Brigadier Muhammadu Buhari, with the 21st Armored Brigade, cut supplies and starve the Habre Chadian troops, thus retaking the 19 Nigerian islands. The efficiency of the Nigerian army is also fondly recollected in its commanding role in solving the Liberian crises. But today, our army cannot capture Sambisa. They are not engaging Boko Haram with any determination to win by any method whatsoever, under whatever directives they have from Abuja; and now it is way passed time we the people do this for ourselves. We simply have no other choice.
Furthermore, our reliable suppositions were again confirmed today with the arrest of some of the “unknown

Trust Breakdown: The State Security Department Takes To Lying
Nigeria’s military and security department has taken to lying to cover their wrong actions or inaction. They lied about the number of girls abducted. They made up an imaginary number they claimed they had freed. They lie about how many are killed and how many they kill in millions. The most recent lie was made by the junior minister of defense, Musiliu Obanikoro who said so on Channels TV, Monday, that no helicopters were used to supply terrorists. This is a categorical lie. We have confirmed from numerous sources including released abductees, who described how choppers flew in to the camps and dropped Mr. Biggs snacks, chicken, burgers and things, bought from the Borno metropolis. There is no doubt as to the accuracy of this information.
Apparently there is cooperation with the military and treacherous military cover-up. We the people must act and time is running out. Soon Boko Haram will be too big to contain and then they can over throw not just the north, but the entire nation as has happened and been attempted by terrorists in neighboring nations and across the world. The time to act is now.
It has been four years that this terror has been going on unchecked and distressingly, increasing in amplitude by the day. The bombing of Nyanya was reviewed by Brian Michael Jenkins and Bruce R. Butterworth, the terrorism experts from the Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI), as being the fifth worst episode of such explosives attack in any nation across the entire world since 1970! The abduction of 234 girls is another topper on the list of few similar abductions in recent world history. The president of Nigeria flew in his hoards of private jets first to Ibadan for a birthday party, then to Kano to dance at a pre-legally permitted campaign rally within a day of the attacks, in a show of disconnect from the terror situation and possible uncanny delight. The incompetence and lack of interest of our current administration in handling this epic crises is not debated and not a today topic. The current reality necessitates the response and active action of the people before all hope is lost along with the lives and limbs being blown away.
Self Help: Embarking on Urgent Civilian Intervention
We are recruiting all support, supplies and volunteers to surround and eliminate Boko Haram in their forest camps. This is a dangerous task, but the Almighty will give us the strength and victory against these enemies of the state, of peace, of man and God.
Time is of the essence. We do not know what these 200 girls are going through, the type of horrific molestation in the hands of these beasts. *God forbid! And not only them, so many of our fellow citizens, mothers, sisters, daughters, brothers, fathers and sons have been trapped with the terrorists for years. It is time for us to do for them what we would want them to do for us, had it been us in the camps or our daughters there.
The parents have vowed to dare again into the forests to rescue their wards. By God’s grace, many of us will go with them. We will also assist them with all the supplies they may need.
We Need Everybody
We invite a homogeneous response from Muslims, Christians and others alike. The Doctor Amadi (JP), Muslims Against Terror organization, who are deeply involved in this rescue mission, it can be recollected played a vital role in reversing a Boko Haram trend of bombing Churches in 2012 when they released the Communiqué captioned, “Official Communiqué from Muslims Against Terror, Nigeria: Fear None Save Allah. Defend Islam, Defend People, Defend Churches, Defend our Nation.” Many of us read this strong message, and supported by calls of the same from Sheikh Gumi as relayed on SaharaReporters, Boko Haram left Churches alone and declared Muslims their new top enemy; they have since killed numerous Muslim scholars. We are all in this together. See MuslimsAgainstTerror The more we come together, the more frustrated Boko Haram and their evil sponsors become.
Nigeria’s billionaires who exclusively benefit from the corrupt failed system, and whose ill-gotten wealth sponsors our unique terror crises which we now export to neighboring nations and around the world, are nowhere to be found now that we need urgent action and contributions. We the ordinary people have only ourselves. All prayers and all forms of contributions to the desperate people and their urgent missions in Borno go a long way and are urgently needed. Emergencies like this are never planned for or expected. The mothers plan to go back into the forests soon and we hope we will be there with them.
It is touching how many of our youth have decided to volunteer in this divine mission against the terrorists. It is simply humbling. It says a lot about the true purity of spirit and faith of Nigerians, when seen through the murky layers of cabal instituted corruption. These young men setting out for Borno will also need our support for their sustenance in this altruistic mission.
Thank you everyone. We will win against Boko Haram and we will win against the persecution of tyrant, usurper cabal who keep us in this compromised, denuded, betrayed, painful state of existence.
Dr. Peregrino Brimah [Every Nigerian Do Something]
Email: Twitter: @EveryNigerian
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
The Big Picture: 10 Common Fashion Mistakes Men Should Totally Stop...
The Big Picture: 10 Common Fashion Mistakes Men Should Totally Stop...: It is no longer the era where men are allowed to wear anything because they are not considered fashion conscious. These days, a man’s ...
10 Common Fashion Mistakes Men Should Totally Stop Making
It is no longer the era where men are allowed to wear anything because they are not considered fashion conscious. These days, a man’s dressing says a lot about him. From his hair down to his shoes, everything about him makes an impression. Even if you don’t fancy following the fashion trend that much, save us the heartache or eyeache by avoiding these ten fashion blunders:
1. Walking Advertisement: it is cool that you love to deal in labels and the expensive stuff but wearing all these things at once is not cool at all. It is plain juvenile, not meant for adults at all. Just imagine wearing a label like Ed Hardy with very colourful designs; you are wearing the cap, the top and heavily chained wrangler jean? You will look like a thug from a cheaply made hollywood movie from the 80s. Shop for quality and not tags.
2. Oversized Clothes: this is a trend from the past we don’t need to be reminded of. Oversized clothes are definitely a big NO NO. Trim, fitted clothes make you look nice even for people on the big side. If you think you are hiding a pot belly inside a really big tee shirt, you will just end up looking bigger than normal.
3. Skin tight clothes: in a competition with your girlfriend? Why the body hugging clothes? You see some guys and you wonder how they breathe with all the skin tight trousers and body hugging tops they are wearing. Fitted is different from skin tight. Do the little man down there a favour and set it free. The fear of prostrate cancer should drum some senses into you.
4. Pairing socks with sandals: you can only do this in secondary school where it is mandatory as part of your uniform. Asides that, you should not be caught wearing socks with sandals. If you are wearing the socks because of cold, you should wear shoes instead as they keep your feet warmer.
5. Wearing the wrong colour of shoes: this is very common especially with coperate wears. Wearing the wrong colour of shoes with your suit makes you look anything but presentable. Pair a black suit with black shoes, grey suits with black or camel shoes, brown suits with brown or camel suits and navy suits with black, tan, camel or oxblood-coloured shoes.
6. Overstuffing your pockets: this is for men that put everything puttable inside their pockets; house keys, office keys, bulky wallets filled with stash of complimentary cards, receipts, cash and atm cards, mobile phones etc. Bulging pockets make you look bigger and unpresentable. You should get a messanger bag that can carry all your neccesities. If you don’t want to carry a bag, wear a blazer with inner pockers. You can distribute your stuff all over without disturbing your sleek look.
7. Running shoes in public? No: running shoes are good for what they are; for sports. There are shoes you can wear with your casual clothes, not your sweaty gym shoes. Sweat makes shoes smell especially when you don’t give them ‘breathing space’. Do not mismatch the colour of your socks. Always match your socks’ colour with your trousers and not your shoes.
8. Short sleeved shirt with a tie is a big No: this is a big eyesore. Ties should always be worn with a long sleeved shirt. You can always roll up the sleeves when you are relaxing. Your tie should end just above the belt buckle and make sure it is positioned well so that it will be at the centre of the buckle. And don’t forget pocket squares are so the in-thing right now, make sure it matches the colour of your tie.
9. Coordination of accesories: the colour of your watch strap, belt and shoes should go hand in hand. Slight tonal difference of the same colour family is allowed depending on the extent of the difference in shades; a little difference in colour shades will do. The same thing goes for the texture and shine of the three.
10. Too much jewellery: except you are a musician and you are shooting your music video, do not wear too much jewelleries at the same time. The ideal man’s jewellery should be his wedding ring, watch and cufflinks. You can wear a bracelet and neck piece but definitely not with your formal wears. Balance the number of pieces you wear at a time.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Secret Spaceplane, Mystery Mission
Secret Spaceplane, Mystery Mission
By Kyle Mizokami | The Daily Beast – Mon, Apr 7, 2014View Photo
The X-37B sits on the runway of the Vandenberg Air Force Base on Dec. 3, 2010.View Photo
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center image shows on-orbit functions for the reusable …
The Air Force’s secret space plane has been up in orbit for nearly 500 days—a space endurance record. But nearly a year and a half into the mission, the Pentagon still won’t say what the X-37B is doing up there, or when it might come back.
The U.S. Air Force boosted the robotic X-37B atop the nose of an Atlas-5 rocket in December 2012. Since then it’s orbited the Earth thousands of times, overflying such interesting places as North Korea and Iran.
Similar to the Space Shuttle in appearance, the diminutive X-37B is about a quarter the size of the old shuttles. But there are major differences. Lacking a crew, the spacecraft has no cockpit windows. The X-37B has a payload bay about the size of a pickup truck bed.
And while the original Space Shuttle could stay in orbit for up to 17 days—a limitation largely due to the needs of the crew—the first X-37B mission, OTV-1, spent 225 days in space under the guidance of Air Force space flight controllers at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado. The second mission, OTV-2, handily doubled that number, clocking 469 days in orbit. OTV-3 is currently at 482 days and counting.
Eventually—nobody knows when—the pudgy space plane will glide back down to Earth like the Space Shuttle it resembles, rolling to a stop on an Air Force runway in California.
The X-37B began as a NASA project to build a small, unmanned space plane. NASA handed the project over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in 2004, but after budgetary problems the program was transferred to the U.S. Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, which continues to manage the X-37B program. Boeing’s Phantom Works division built two of the X-37B spacecraft.
The U.S. Air Force will not comment on what kind of missions the X-37B does in space. The service, which doesn’t mind talking about the space drone as a technological achievement, clams up when discussing actual missions.
Rumors abound. One of the most popular is the X-37B can sneak up and eavesdrop on other satellites. The idea does have appeal, but skeptics point out the U.S. already has other smaller, harder to track satellites to do just that.
Another rumor is that the X-37B can, like supervillian Ernst Blofeld’s giant clamshell satellite in You Only Live Twice, saddle up to the satellites of other nations and mess with them. Though theoretically possible, the X-37 would have to be launched into an orbit similar to the target’s, and the X-37B’s size makes it easy to track. Even amateur satellite spotters can track the X-37B, and it would be obvious to everyone who had stolen a satellite.
The most interesting—but least likely—rumor is that the X-37B is some kind of orbital bomber, capable of nailing targets from on high. There’s not a whole lot of evidence to back that theory up.
Brian Weeden, a former Air Force officer with the Space Command’s Joint Space Operations Center and now at the Secure World Foundation, believes that the X-37B is primarily a test bed for new technologies. “I think it is primarily an ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) platform for testing new sensor technologies or validating new technologies.” Weeden tells The Daily Beast. “The current OTV-3 on orbit has basically been in the same orbit since launch, with only the occasional maneuver to maintain that orbit. That’s consistent with a remote sensing/ISR mission.”
The X-37B is probably testing technologies that might be incorporated into the spy satellites of the future. New cameras, radars, and other sensors could be tested in space and then brought back to Earth for study. That’s much better than designing them on Earth and then building an enormously expensive spy satellite reliant on untested technology.
That doesn’t mean that OTV-3 isn’t spying on other countries—it probably is. OTV-3’s orbit takes it over all sorts of interesting places, including North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and China. The space drone’s sensors are likely could well be getting workouts against real-world targets, from North Korean missile facilities to shipyards where China’s next aircraft carriers are being built.
And although it’s only a guess, one can surmise that, based on the amount of time the X-37B is spending in orbit, those sensors are apparently working pretty well.
If the X-37B is just a test platform, why won’t the Pentagon open up about it? “I don’t think the secrecy surrounding the X-37B program is an attempt by the U.S. government to hide anything nefarious, but rather that it’s driven by bureaucratic inertia,” Weeden says. Addressing the rumors, Weeden points out, “The secrecy surrounding the program makes it difficult for the U.S. government to respond meaningfully to those claims and debunk them.”
The X-37B is a relatively bright spot during a fallow period for the U.S. space program, and Boeing and the Air Force are capitalizing on the program’s success. Boeing is converting the former Orbiter Processing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center, where Space Shuttles were maintained in-between spaceflights, to a one-stop facility designed to refurbish landed X-37Bs and prepare them for spaceflight again.
Boeing has also proposed a larger X-37C, which would be capable of carrying up to six astronauts to and from orbit. This project is likely to get a second look as relations with Russia, the only country currently capable of sending astronauts into space, sour over the situation in the Ukraine.
In the meantime OTV-3 continues to drift overhead, silently orbiting the Earth, doing whatever it does. It’s anyone’s guess when it will be coming back.
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